
Los Angeles Law Library - Corrupt Practice

                                                                                     Christine Langteau To Judge Mark Juhas Los Angeles Superior Court   111 Hill Street Los Angeles, California Dear Sir/Madam, 20th February 2018 My name is Allan H. Palmer; I have registered as a patron with the County of Los Angeles Law Library. I have been using the named library for about three years to date. I was issue Library card number 1189-xxx-xxx-xxx, which I often use for computer access. I began using this facility while I was working on a Civil Rights matter, which was later file before in the California District Court, case number CV-2016-1311 and later I filed another case CV-2016-5247. I am not a lawyer, however; I am acting on my own beh...

- My brother, My Sister, My mother and my father

I have no brother but the truth, for the truth stands alone. The truth has no friend, no acquaintance and knows no controversy; it cannot be, tarnished, replaced, and neither can it be discredited. The truth is what it is: it is simply the truth. It is the truth that convicts the guilty and acquits the innocent; It is the truth that shames kings, cause the humble to rejoice And lends clarity to the confusion of life’s mysteries. The truth stands alone and tall among cheap imitation of its self: lies. The truth points the earnest seeker to freedom and abundant life, Although the truth is hated it is of the most value, Even though it is rejected, the truth cannot be abandon, The truth is a light that illuminates the darkness and unveil mysteries. The truth is my brother. I have no sister but Justice, for justice is blinded by her lofty ideals,  and is consumed by her never ending task; She does not see as men does, but she is guided by her calling. She stand...

Complaint to the California Bar Association - Reply

This is a reply from the California Bar Association from a report I made against one of their practicing lawyers. I will publish that report later. 

Reply from the US District Court Chief: Justice Virginia A Philips


Oppressive behavior District Court Security - George Gaman

Virginia A. Philips Courtroom 8A, 8th Floor 350 West 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 12/27/2017 On the week of December 15th, 2017, I paid a visit to the US district court which is located at 312 N Spring Street, Los Angeles California, 90012. A process I have been doing for the pass two and a half years, on a weekly basis. On this occasion while clearing security, I asked the security person (Court Security) if it was ok for me to take my pepper sauce into the court house. The reason why I asked him this question, the content of the product was stored in a glass bottle. I am aware that some institution do not allow glass bottle in their facility, because it has the potential to be used as a weapon if broken a sharp edge tool, and or a missile. I also had two bottles of water stored in the outside pocket of my bag. The security said he will like to see the hot sauce. So I took out the hot sauce and place it in a container where it could be visible to the Court Securit...

Miss-deeds of the California District Court Pro Se Office - Janet & Henry

My name is Allan H. F. Palmer, I am from the Caribbean Island of St. Vincent and the Greandines which is located in the Eastern Caribbean, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean. I am an active political activist. The Government in particular the sitting Prime Minister of SVG Ralph E. Gonsalves have spent and have been spending millions of dollars of State own monies to covertly provide inconveniences to me, and they does so using slander, lies and other untruthful means. This is so because the Ralph Gonsalves Government is unable to touch me, because, I was granted political asylum protection by the US immigration Court. I am not afraid of their lies, because it only seeks to amplify my honesty. In that when those who were spoon fed the lies about me, they will spend their entire lifetime trying to verify those lie and each time they look they will be disappointed.  When I decided to file a 42 USC 2000d Civil Rights cases against the California Department of Public Social S...

I have no mother but righteousness

I have no mother but righteousness, for she fearlessly walks the path of her heart. No condition she applies but to uphold truth and justice, the seeds she nurtured. Right doing are the pillar of her teaching, the code that governs her daily practice; They are the foundation upon which she stands, flourishes, blooms and prospers. She is never worried, controlled and or intimidated by hindsight, Her vision is fixed. As she make the future her present, which is all that matters. Good morals, strong ethics, wholesome values, unconditional love, truth and justice; Daily rise up and receives her feet, for she refuses to thread outside the scope of her confines. In her righteousness is perfected but not in herself, nor is it perfected for herself. Her opposition makes an enemy of her, but when confronted fizzles and become obsolete; For mother righteousness stand unafraid, unblemished, uncorrupted and untarnished. She stands alone but never lonely; and without care she stands contented. ...